
Sunday, November 22, 2009

it started with....

Well it started a couple years ago when I read a book about vampires. I don't know if it was the beaches of Mexico that influenced my immediate obsession with these books or if its just a fact that if you have estrogen running through your body you will be obsessed with the great triangle of Bella, Edward, and Jacob. I don't know but I am.... and I know I have a problem.

Here is the fantastic group of women who I went with to New Moon. The super cute girl in green was the real inspiration for us going. She is a die hard fan and since a midnight showing was probably not a good idea for this 13 year old, we decided we all needed to take her as soon as she got out of school.... Oh who are we kidding, we all would have found a reason to go but I am glad she was my reason! Thank you sweet girl.

So with that being explain, here is my checklist for my perfect New Moon experience.

Gather friends
Joni, Sonya, & Katie- CHECK

For Katie and Sonya, they needed popcorn on there list
Large bag of popcorn- CHECK

I needed a full bag of gummy bears, which I did eat entirely by myself.
Align Center
Full bag of my favorite gummy bears- CHECK

Saved seat for best friend, who might run a little later than the rest of us :) Or who knows that there is no reason to get there early because the rest of us fools will get there an hour before it starts just in case the 3:50pm showing is packed...
Seat saved for LJP- CHECK

Take a picture of the group in our seats so that we can document how lame we are.... I mean how super cool we are!



Tara said...

too cute! i'm going Wednesday. it should be fun!

Michelle said...

I went to the midnight showing, because I'm nuts, actually my friend's friend had an extra ticket so they invited me. Easy babysitting job for Colby who spent the night at my was crazy, there were so many people there. Then Friday/Saturday I read the book again, and tonight Jeremy and I are going to see it at the maybe it is me that has the problem. And I thought I wouldn't see this movie until it was out on video....

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you missed me right? :) Saw it yesterday--so much better than Twilight!