
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Its my Christmas Time!

I love a little thing called EYW. (read here to fully understand)
And truth be told, I probably love it a little too much. 

I am surround by sweet friends who are now showering me with Christmas gifts..... I am a little embarrassed cause I have made up my own holiday and now people are giving me gifts..... 
This was not my intention but never the less, I am humbled by their generosity. 

Laura wrapped my gift in cute paper.... and gave me Emma. 
Which I will be watching as soon as this week is over. 

Lindsay gave me my favorite candle..... And I mean my favorite candle!!!!

And my sweet, sweet director from last year, Miss Stevie White, left a note on my door.

It was full of pictures from previous years at EYW.

This pic is my fav.... but I love them all. 

Any of course she references N'Sync.

Merry Christmas! 


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