
Friday, October 16, 2009

Dedication Week....

42.5 years later I am joining the world of blogging (just in time for everyone else to get a twitter).
And in honor of me joining the new millennium, I am going to have a dedication week. I am dedicating my blog to those I feel worthy of such an honor....

So let the 7 days of dedication begin....

Day 1: to all the inanimate objects in my life that might make people pity me.

  • Large Vanilla Diet Cokes from Sonic. I know I left you for some time while I was training for that dang half marathon but don't worry I have come back!
(Look Mom! I can shift gears, talk on my cell phone, drink my sonic drink, and stare at my freshly manicure red nails.... that is talent my friend)

  • Those re-usable bags that every store sells. I love you and you make my life happy. They are only a buck....
so I have like 3
or more like 5

or maybe 15.

  • These shoes.... because when I bought them I knew they were worth blogging about. ($10, Ross)



Hi, I'm Ginny said...

Let me be the first to say that I am beyond thrilled that your blog is up! I'm looking forward to becoming a loyal reader. YAY!

bailey said...

welcome...I'm so excited you finally pushed the publish button!

Aubrie said...

Amy, you have a blog!?! That excites me.

Summer said...

I love that you created a backdrop to photograph your shoes.

Tara said...

i'm already laughing.

Lesley said...

Gonna love it! i like the backdrop too!!